Biomedical Materials

Publisher: IOP Publishing

Founded in: 2006

Total resources: 17

E-ISSN: 1748-605X

ISSN: 1748-605X

Subject: R31 general medical science


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Biomedical Materials


Fabrication and characterization of a novel carbon fiber-reinforced calcium phosphate silicate bone cement with potential osteo-inductivity

By Zheng Jiangjiang,Xiao Yu,Gong Tianxing,Zhou Shuxin,Troczynski Tom,Yang Quanzu,Bao Chongyun,Xu Xiaoming in (2016)

Biomedical Materials , Vol. 11, Iss. 1, 2016-02 , pp. 15003-15012

IOP Publishing

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Hydrogels 2.0: improved properties with nanomaterial composites for biomedical applications

By Memic Adnan,Alhadrami Hani A,Hussain M Asif,Aldhahri Musab,Al-Hazmi Faten,Oklu Rahmi,Khademhosseini Ali,Memic Adnan in (2016)

Biomedical Materials , Vol. 11, Iss. 1, 2016-02 , pp. 14104-14118

IOP Publishing

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Polymer scaffolds with no skin-effect for tissue engineering applications fabricated by thermally induced phase separation

By Kasoju Naresh,Kubies Dana,Sedlačík Tomáš,Janoušková Olga,Koubková Jana,Kumorek Marta M.,Rypáček František in (2016)

Biomedical Materials , Vol. 11, Iss. 1, 2016-02 , pp. 15002-15014

IOP Publishing

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Advancing the field of 3D biomaterial printing

By Jakus Adam E,Rutz Alexandra L,Shah Ramille N in (2016)

Biomedical Materials , Vol. 11, Iss. 1, 2016-02 , pp. 14102-14112

IOP Publishing

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