Pediatric Cardiology

Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Founded in: 1980

Total resources: 47

E-ISSN: 1432-1971

ISSN: 0172-0643

Subject: R72 Pediatrics


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Pediatric Cardiology


Race Contributes to Beta-Blocker Efficacy in Pediatric Patients With Arrhythmias

By Taylor BreAnn,Moffett Brady,Krenek Michele,Valdes Santiago,Kim Jeffrey in (2014)

Pediatric Cardiology , Vol. 35, Iss. 4, 2014-04 , pp. 641-644

Springer Publishing Company

Abstract Access to resources Recommend Favorite

Supine Cycling in Pediatric Exercise Testing: Disparity in Performance Measures

By May Lindsay,Punn Rajesh,Olson Inger,Kazmucha Jeffrey,Liu Michael,Chin Clifford in (2014)

Pediatric Cardiology , Vol. 35, Iss. 4, 2014-04 , pp. 705-710

Springer Publishing Company

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