Pharmaceutical Research

Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Founded in: 1983

Total resources: 57

E-ISSN: 1573-904X

ISSN: 0724-8741

Subject: R9 Pharmacy


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Pharmaceutical Research


Ocular Delivery of pRNA Nanoparticles: Distribution and Clearance After Subconjunctival Injection

By Feng Liang,Li S.,Liu Hongshan,Liu Chia-Yang,LaSance Kathleen,Haque Farzin,Shu Dan,Guo Peixuan in (2014)

Pharmaceutical Research , Vol. 31, Iss. 4, 2014-04 , pp. 1046-1058

Springer Publishing Company

Abstract Access to resources Recommend Favorite

Thermodynamic and Fluorescence Analyses to Determine Mechanisms of IgG1 Stabilization and Destabilization by Arginine

By Fukuda Masakazu,Kameoka Daisuke,Torizawa Takuya,Saitoh Satoshi,Yasutake Masaya,Imaeda Yoshimi,Koga Akiko,Mizutani Akihiko in (2014)

Pharmaceutical Research , Vol. 31, Iss. 4, 2014-04 , pp. 992-1001

Springer Publishing Company

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Current Challenges in Bioequivalence, Quality, and Novel Assessment Technologies for Topical Products

By Yacobi Avraham,Shah Vinod,Bashaw Edward,Benfeldt Eva,Davit Barbara,Ganes Derek,Ghosh Tapash,Kanfer Isadore,Kasting Gerald,Katz Lindsey,Lionberger Robert,Lu Guang,Maibach Howard,Pershing Lynn,Rackley Russell,Raw Andre,Shukla Chinmay,Thakker Kailas,Wagner Nathalie,Zovko Elizabeta,Lane Majella in (2014)

Pharmaceutical Research , Vol. 31, Iss. 4, 2014-04 , pp. 837-846

Springer Publishing Company

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Multifunctional Tumor-Targeting Nanocarriers Based on Hyaluronic Acid-Mediated and pH-Sensitive Properties for Efficient Delivery of Docetaxel

By Song Shuangshuang,Chen Fen,Qi Huan,Li Fei,Xin Tiegang,Xu Jingwen,Ye Tiantian,Sheng Naicheng,Yang Xinggang,Pan Weisan in (2014)

Pharmaceutical Research , Vol. 31, Iss. 4, 2014-04 , pp. 1032-1045

Springer Publishing Company

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