Cadmium-resistant Proteus vulgaris strain KNP3 was originally isolated from the soil of Panki Thermal Power Plant, Kanpur, India. The strain was effective under in situ conditions for improving the physiological parameters of soybean plants. Nevertheless, the concentration of cadmium was significantly decreased in both plants and soil in the presence of this bioinoculant. Moreover, to unravel the mechanism involved in cadmium resistance, plasmid DNA was isolated from the strain and subjected to amplification of the czc gene, which is responsible for the efflux of three metal cations, viz. Co, Zn and Cd, from the cell. Further, the amplicon was cloned into pDrive cloning vector and sequenced. When compared with the available database, the sequence homology of the cloned gene showed the presence of a partial czcA gene sequence, thereby indicating the presence of an efflux mechanism for resistance in the strain. These results were further confirmed by atomic absorption spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and EDAX analysis.