Background: Laparoscopic abdominal surgery is conventionally done under general anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia is usually preferred in patients where general anesthesia is contraindicated. We present our experience using spinal anesthesia as the first choice for laparoscopic surgery for over 11 years with the contention that it is a good alterative to anesthesia.Methods: Spinal anesthesia was used in 4645 patients over the last 11 years. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed in 2992, and the remaining patients underwent other laparoscopic surgeries. There was no modification in the technique, and the intraabdominal pressure was kept at 8mm Hg to 10mm Hg. Sedation was given if required, and conversion to general anesthesia was done in patients not responding to sedation or with failure of spinal anesthesia. Results were compared with those of 421 patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery while under general anesthesia.Results: Twenty-four (0.01%) patients required conversion to general anesthesia. Hypotension requiring support was recorded in 846 (18.21%) patients, and 571(12.29%) experienced neck or shoulder pain, or both. Postoperatively, 2.09% (97) of patients had vomiting compared to 29.22% (123 patients) of patients who were administered general anesthesia. Injectable diclofenac was required in 35.59% (1672) for abdominal pain within 2 hours postoperatively, and oral analgesic was required in 2936 (63.21%) patients within the first 24 hours. However, 90.02% of patients operated on while under general anesthesia required injectable analgesics in the immediate postoperative period. Postural headache persisting for an average of 2.6 days was seen in 255 (5.4%) patients postoperatively. Average time to discharge was 2.3 days. Karnofsky Performance Status Scale showed a 98.6% satisfaction level in patients.Conclusions: Laparoscopic surgery done with the patient under spinal anesthesia has several advantages over laparoscopic surgery done with the patient under general anesthesia.