Maurolicus muelleri collected at 70-220 m in Herdlefjorden, W Norway, were examined for metazoan parasites. A total of seven species were found: Derogenes varicus and Brachyphallus crenatus (Trematoda), tetraphyllidean larvae and Bothriocephalus sp. (Cestoda), Hysterothylacium aduncum and Anisakis simplex larvae (Nematoda) and Sarcotretes scopeli (Copepoda). The parasite community was completely dominated by larval helminths (99.89%). Of 3,720 parasites found, only 5 specimens (4 trematodes and 1 copepod) were adults. Of the helminth larvae, 99.4% were Hysterothylacium aduncum. The infracommunities were species-poor; 98.6% contained 0 or 1 species only; and diversity was low (mean Brillouin's index = 0.30). The H. aduncum larval size spectrum in age groups of M. muelleri is described, and the following observations are made: very small larvae (<2 mm) acquired by M. muelleri are able to establish in its visceral cavity, and larger larvae (>3 mm) do not mature in this host. This is at variance with other studies, and M. muelleri is clearly an unsuitable final host to this parasite. The source of H. aduncum larvae for M. muelleri and its role in the parasite's life cycle is discussed.