The tetra(para-phenolammonium)cyclotetraphosphate hexahydrate, (1,4-HOC6H4NH3)4P4O1 2 ⋅ 6H2O (M=864.51 g mol-1), is monoclinic P21/c with the unit cell parameters a=9.836(2) Å, b=8.591(1) Å, c:22.769(5) Å, β=95.41(2)°. The structure of this compound can be described as a succession of inorganic and organic sheets parallel to the (001) plane. The existence of the OH and NH3 groups in position para to the organic cation leads to the cohesion of the inorganic sheets, forming a three-dimensional network.The IR spectrum of (1,4-HOC6H4NH3)4P4O1 2⋅ 6H2O is reported and discussed according to the theoretical group analysis. The IR data confirm the atomic arrangement within the structure. The coupled TG–DTA thermal study shows the successive departure of four and two water molecules, confirming the hydrated character of this cyclophosphate.