Prevotella intermedia - and Prevotella nigrescens -like organisms (PINLO) have been described as organisms which are phenotypically and biochemically similar to P. intermedia and P. nigrescens and the species P. pallens was created to include some of them. Other PINLO groups which do not fit the definition of P. pallens exist, and in this study these ‘unidentified’Prevotella sp. were compared with P. corporis, P. intermedia, P. nigrescens and P. pallens using commercial identification kits, GLC, RAPD-PCR and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The Rapid ID 32 A and the RapID ANA II system both identified all ‘unidentified’Prevotella as P. intermedia. Similarly they gave this identification to all the species tested (with the exception of P. corporis using the RapID ANA II system) clearly demonstrating biochemical similarities. Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) analysis of the volatile end-products of fermentation could not distinguish between strains. RAPD-PCR using arbitrary primer L10 demonstrated intra-species homogeneity within PINLO strains with amplification profiles which differed from other Prevotella species tested. Cluster analysis of the amplification profiles confirmed species divisions and yielded a distinct ‘unidentified’Prevotella cluster. Comparison of partial 16S rDNA sequences displayed 98% sequence similarity between the ‘unidentified’Prevotella strains, although 2 strains, HST 1156 and HST 2160 displayed 100% identity. The highest similarity between groups was seen between ‘unidentified’Prevotella strains and P. corporis (approximately 94% similarity). The DNA techniques used here confirm that ‘unidentified’Prevotella strains are distinct from the other species ofPrevotella tested, including P. pallens. Partial 16S rDNA sequence comparisons suggested a close relationship with P. corporis.