Importance to the field: In advanced renal cell cancer and malignant melanoma, the current FDA approved immune modulators, such as IL-2, are the only agents which provide a durable complete remission. These responses, however, occur in < 10% of treated patients and their applicability is limited to selected patients because of their toxicity. The identification of new immunotherapeutic agents with an improved response rate and toxicity profile would represent a significant advancement in the treatment of these malignancies.Areas covered in this review: This is a comprehensive review of IL-21 including its pharmacology and current developmental status. A literature review was performed using all PubMed listed publications involving IL-21, including original research articles, reviews and abstracts. It also includes a review of current ongoing trials and information from the official product website.What the reader will gain: Recombinant IL-21 (rIL-21) is a new immune modulator currently undergoing Phase I and II testing. It is a cytokine with a four helix structure that has structural and sequence homology to IL-2 and -15, but also possesses many unique biological properties. In this review, we evaluate the development, pharmacologic properties, safety profile and current clinical efficacy of rIL-21.Take home message: rIL-21 has an acceptable safety profile and encouraging single agent activity in early phase renal cell carcinoma and melanoma clinical trials.