Purpose: The purpose of this article is to describe and critically analyse recent advisory efforts and the prevailing discourses that have affected the advisory service in Sweden over the past 15 years. The focus is on those efforts that have had a declared aim to support farmers to become more competitive and viable. We also analyse why the efforts do not seem to have been effective enough, and give recommendations for future initiatives. Methodology: The article is based on a discourse analysis. In the data material, which consists of a wide range of published and internal documents, we have searched for recurring themes that together create distinct discourses and how they are manifested in practice as advisory efforts. Findings: We propose that in order to support farmers in achieving sustainability, advisors must question their traditional role as experts and begin to engage in discussions in which both their own and the farmers' Weltanschauung are questioned. Practical implication: The article discusses how a more reflective and critical advisory service can be achieved. Originality/value: There are several papers that deal with the advisors' different roles and new extension methods. This article analyse contemporary efforts to adapt advisory services to new demands, and add a critical perspective on why such efforts do not reach expected results.