Author: Pajola Maurizio Oklay Nilda La Forgia Fiorangela Giacomini Lorenza Massironi Matteo Bertini Ivano El-Maarry M. R. Marzari Francesco Preusker Frank Scholten Frank Höfner Sebastian Lee Jui-Chi Vincent Jean-Baptiste Groussin Olivier Naletto Giampiero Lazzarin Monica Barbieri Cesare Sierks Holger Lamy Philippe Rodrigo Rafael Koschny Detlef Rickman Hans Keller Horst U. Agarwal Jessica A’Hearn Michael F. Barucci Maria A. Bertaux Jean-Loup Cremonese Gabriele Deppo Vania Da Davidsson Björn De Cecco Mariolino Debei Stefano Ferri Francesca Fornasier Sonia Fulle Marco Güttler Carsten Gutierrez Pedro J. Hviid Stubbe F. Ip Wing-Huen Jorda Laurent Knollenberg Jörg Kramm J.-Rainer Küppers Michael Kürt Ekkehard Lara Luisa M. Lin Zhong-Yi Lopez Moreno Jose J. Magrin Sara Michalik Harald Mottola Stefano Thomas Nicholas Tubiana Cecilia
Publisher: Edp Sciences
E-ISSN: 1432-0746|592|issue|A69-A69
ISSN: 0004-6361
Source: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol.592, Iss.issue, 2016-07, pp. : A69-A69
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