Ligustri Lucidi Fructus (LLF) is the fruits of Ligustrum lucidum Ait. (Oleaceae). This review based on nearly 80 literary sources discusses the knowledge of chemistry and biological effects of this species. Several types of chemical constituents considered as the characteristic and active constituents from LLF were isolated including 40 triterpenoids, 48 iridoids, 10 flavones, 10 phenylethanoid glycosides and others. Various extracts and individual compounds derived from this species have been found to possess a variety of pharmacological effects, e.g. anti-tumour, hepatoprotective, immune regulating, antioxidative and anti-ageing effects, anti-inflammation and reducing hypercholesterolaemia effects and so on. The results of data analysis on the chemical, pharmacological characteristics of LLF support the view that this species has many therapeutic properties and indicate its potential as an effective herbal remedy. Finally, some suggestions for further research on chemical and pharmacological properties are given in this review. Theoretical basis was given for further exploiting and utilising LLF.