Human Fertility

Publisher: Informa Healthcare

Founded in: 1996

Total resources: 51

E-ISSN: 1742-8149

ISSN: 1464-7273

Subject: R169 Health and family planning


Disclaimer: Any content in publications that violate the sovereignty, the constitution or regulations of the PRC is not accepted or approved by CNPIEC.

Human Fertility


Characterization of a balanced complex chromosomal rearrangement carrier ascertained through a fetus with dup15q26.3 and del5p15.33: case report

By Lledo Belen,Ortiz Jose Antonio,Morales Ruth,Manchon Irene,Galan Francisco,Bernabeu Andrea,Bernabeu Rafael in (2013)

Human Fertility , Vol. 16, Iss. 3, 2013-09 , pp. 215-217

Informa Healthcare

Abstract Access to resources Recommend Favorite

Comparison of macroscopic one-layer over number 1 nylon suture vasovasostomy with the standard two-layer microsurgical procedure

By Safarinejad Mohammad Reza,Lashkari Mohammad Hossein,Asgari Seyyed Alaeddin,Farshi Alireza,Babaei Ali Reza in (2013)

Human Fertility , Vol. 16, Iss. 3, 2013-09 , pp. 194-199

Informa Healthcare

Abstract Access to resources Recommend Favorite